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Solutions for Advertising Display Lock - Most Secure Key Lock, CAM Lock, ATM Lock, Vending Machine Lock Manufacturer - Make Lock Company

Solutions for Advertising Display Lock

As new generation of intelligent devices, advertising displays are widely popular for presenting multimedia materials such as images, text, and videos in a smart interactive format. However, once the advertising display lock is maliciously damaged, the purpose of advertising may fail to be achieved.

This article recommends three security solutions for advertising displays to ensure their physical safety.

Solution 1: Push Lock

The MK513,equipped with tubular key system, is a push lock with a pressing function.

With over 10,000 key combinations, it offers high security. The telescopic rod can be customized in length for easy installation.

When used on an advertising display, this lock ensures not only safety but also smooth unlocking and convenient usage.

Solution 2: Cam Lock

The MK104B series, equipped with flat key system, is a highly versatile rotating tongue lock.

It has passed 48-hour salt spray test and is suitable for indoor and outdoor environments. Due to its different function lengths, there are five sizes to choose from: MK104BXS, MK104BS, MK104BM, MK104BL, MK104BXL, to match different types of advertising displays.

This lock not only ensures the security of the advertising display but also has a wide range of applications.


Solution 3: Wireless Smart Lock

The M5, equipped with passive key system, is a traceable passive electronic lock.

The lock body is passive, powered by the key, and completes two-way identity authentication during unlocking.

It allows one key can unlock many locks, eliminating the inconvenience of carrying multiple keys.

It features three-level user management system, enabling authorized access, unlocking record queries, and other operations for convenient management.

When used on an advertising display, this lock not only provides security protection but also intelligent use and key management.

All three advertising display locks mentioned above are made of zinc alloy material, with a bright chrome or nickel finish, making them sturdy, durable, and highly secure. They are suitable for advertising displays. For more information, please contact us.



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